日本无遮挡真人祼交视频_理论片午夜成人影院_珍珠内裤折磨H_密爱:我朋友的妈妈2 电影_国产真人一级a爱做片


  • 2021 Social Responsibility Report

    This report describes the specific situation of Sanying paper products packaging (Huai'an) Co., Ltd. in 2021, while focusing on the production and processing business development of kraft paper square bottom valve bags and various high-end packaging bags, it actively performs its social responsibilities, and discloses the company's concept, practice and achievements in fulfilling its economic, environmental and social responsibilities.

  • Letter of commitment of Huai'an Sanying company to support the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact

    The company solemnly promises to support the ten principles advocated by the United Nations Global Compact in the fields of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption, fully implement them into the company's strategy, operation and culture, and integrate the United Nations Global Compact and its principles into the decision-making process of the top management, actively participate in partnerships, and recommend the realization of broader development goals.